April 20, 2023 | Country Dancing Tonight | Newsletter #11
Hello Country Dancers! And Happy Spring 2023!
What a great time for dancers! I love this time of year as the days get longer and warmer! Spring is in full swing and hopefully, so is everyone’s dancing! Here’s to a great Spring & Summer of country dancing!
For this month’s email, I wanted to let y’all know that there are two new articles on the blog!
First, I have a recap and round-up of last month’s EDGE Dance Event in SoCal, and then another post focusing on country music! Read on!
The EDGE, 2023!
First, last month in SoCal, there was a great dancing time had by all in Temecula, California with the unique country dancing convention known as The Edge Dance Event. Click here, or on the picture below to go to the article! For those that went, this will be a fun reminder of all the fun, and if you didn’t make it check out what you missed! There are also early bird (low-priced) tickets already available for 2024!
My recap includes 7 videos that will give you a great taste of what the Edge is like! From the beginning welcome, to demos, recaps, and even some of the social dancing and competition! Check it out!
The Edge Dance Event, 2023 – Nonstop Dancing, & Fun for Everyone!

Country Songs About Dancing! Do You Know Some?
Next, I have a new post about country music! I thought of this a while back and have been slowly collecting this list in my head for a while! It is finally on “paper” and published! I hope you enjoy it but also let me know if I’ve missed a favorite of yours that should have made the list!
25 Country Songs with Lyrics About Dancing and Honky-Tonks!

Stagecoach & The Stagecoach Honky-Tonk Dancehall!
Well, it’s back! The Stagecoach Country Music Festival is happening in about a week from now! And, recently in SoCal, there were a total of 11 dance contests leading up to this weekend. Winners were crowned and from those that won, a great group of dancers was chosen to be on the dance team at Stagecoach!
So, for any of you going next weekend (April 28-30) be sure to check out the Honky-Tonk Dancehall! Take some lessons and do some Two Step or partner dancing on that gigantic floor!
And if you want to see how some of the winners got there check out my post on the dance contests that now also has video compilations of many of the contest nights. I’ve got videos from Cowboy Country, The Ranch, Montana’s, The Brandin’ Iron, InCahoots, The Stampede, Borderline Saloon, Moonshine Beach, Buckle & Boots, Stoney’s Inn, and Fantasy Springs. Click below to see all of them!

Also if you want to get a glimpse of what the Stagecoach Honky-Tonk Dancehall is like check out my post from last year that covered it. Click here.
Line Dance Instructor Spotlight!
Cindi Massengale is a great Long Beach line dance instructor at Cowboy Country & The Gaslamp! Check out more information on her classes here.

Line Dance Instructor Spotlight!
Jeannie Davies is a great line dance instructor in Irvine, CA. See below for details, including her class schedule!
Keep your mind active and your blood flowing with this fun and easy-to-follow line dancing class. Dance at your own pace to a variety of music. All levels are welcome. Daily drop-in available: $10 per class. Inst: Jeannie Davies. *No class 5/29, 6/19.
Beginner Tu Apr. 4-June 27 5-7 pm $91
Beginner Th Apr. 6-June 29 3:30-5:30 pm $91
Improver M Apr. 3-June 26* 10:30 am-12:30 pm $77
Improver W Apr. 5-June 28 3:30-5:30 pm $91
Improver Sa Apr. 1-June 24 10:30 am-12:30 pm $91
To register: yourirvine.org or 949-724-6800
Rancho Senior Center (RSC)
3 Ethel Coplen Way • 949-724-6800
Note: I know I have subscribers from all around and I’m reporting often on the Southern California country dance scene. So, please if you want me to mention or announce your event or classes anywhere in the world, I would be glad to do so!
Just reply to the email and let me know!
Also, when it comes to cool dance halls and dance clubs in other places, please know that I’m on the lookout! Where are the best places to go dancing? Or what great country dancing events are coming up?
And, as a subscriber to my blog please let me know where YOU go dancing! I’d love to know! This might help me create the next giant exhaustive blog post for BEST PLACES TO COUNTRY DANCE in a city near YOU!